Saturday, October 30, 2010

A small part in our bigger digitized lives

What is going on today with eBooks today is just a speck of dust in the way where our lives are heading: THE DIGITAL AGE! In my generation almost all our accessories, all we have is digital: Cell phones, mp3 players, computers, eBooks, etc. About everything we do is either recorded on the internet or gets on the internet in some way. Everything is about connection, being connected all the time. I mean, almost everyone today is about their Facebook profiles, their Twitter accounts, their Flickr accounts and so on and so forth. Personally, I think it's great and I love the fact that we are so connected. What is the price of this constant connectivity though? 
Although we are constantly in contact with one another through the internet, Facebook, Twitter and such, through our phones with text messaging, we are neglecting our face to face relationships. We are connected with pretty much everything and everyone while being extremely lonely without noticing it. All we are really left with is our electronic devices. Our lives are so digitalized that anything that is not digital and technologically advanced is all of the sudden old-fashioned, or “hipster”. As we can see with the rise of eBooks, e-Braries, the arrival of the revolutionary iPad it’s only getting worse. I sometimes find myself wishing that I could use my analog cameras all the time instead of using my digital one, pick up a land line to call someone to hear their voice and not see just their words on a screen. I am indecisive and sort of biased however, because I do scan my film negatives, and upload the pictures to Flickr; I do BBM or text instead of calling. I guess it’s the theory of Darwin applied to this: its ‘natural’ selection.

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