Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ipad: a revolutionary device

The new improved eBook readers are 3 of the most popular platforms for e-readers: the Nook, the Kindle and last and certainly not least, the iPad. We know the Kindle from my previous post: it has certainly improved from its original form, but the Nook and the iPad are the ones that are really revolutionary. The most revolutionary of them all and the one that will radically change our lives, at least per my train of thoughts, is the iPad. It goes beyond being an eBook platform: it's a tablet computer. It's going to change the way we do everything. It’s basically a compact version of your computer, your library, your music, etc. It’s the start of something big I feel. The touch technology has been mastered by Apple and it might be where new technology is going. I have a feeling that in 30 years or less, all of us will own a sort of iPad: a tablet computer in which we will store our books, our music, our documents, emails, calendars, etc. The iPad is a new way to interact with computers and the mode is, I contemplate, that will change how we use computers. The iPad, in my opinion, is as much a threat to the traditional desktop computers and laptops as eBooks are to traditional books. It will not kill it but will certainly revolutionize it.


  1. Okay, let's agree to disagree on this one. I have yet to see the purpose of the iPad, barring a fashion statement. Don't get me wrong, I could go the fashion route myself; but, I NEED my books and my laptop (and Windows), the same way I NEED and cherish my LP's and the beautiful sounds (and feelings) that ooze from playing them.


  2. I think your overlooking this. The next big thing is going to be be touch screen tablet computers. Remember that!

  3. I think that the iPad is cool to look at, but inefficient to use. We are getting to the point where we need to take a course on how to use the things we buy. I am glad to see that technology is advancing, but it is not necessarily becoming easier to utilize or more helpful. In fact, some of the features on things like the iPad promote more laziness then they should. Things are becoming more about the money then they are the benefits of the consumer.
