Friday, October 29, 2010

[re] Kindle your love for book

A new form of eBook reader is the Kindle, an Amazon developed product. The first Kindle was released in 2007; it was sold out in five and a half hours and was out of stock until April 2008. That surpasses popularity, wouldn’t you say? This version of the device could hold up to 200 non-illustrated titles. Boosted by the acclaim of their product, Amazon released a new version of it in late 2009: the Kindle 2. The latter was even a much better deal than its predecessor. It could store up to 1500 non-illustrated titles; it also had an improved battery life and a text-to-speech option. The latest version of the handheld device is the Kindle DX and has yet improved from the Kindle 2. It has a variety of new features: it can hold up to 3500 non-illustrated titles; you can read in landscape or portrait format. Now you can buy over 400,000 electronic books and magazines that you can download wirelessly straight from the Kindle store. Moreover, the Kindle is now a wireless device; it can also connect on a 3G network.
The popularity of the Kindle has brought out a lot of e-book readers. It has been named one of the 10 best gadgets of the year. It looks like this e-book thing, especially the Kindle, is taking the world of readers by storm with its innovations.

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