Monday, November 1, 2010

But. . . eBooks, eLibraries and digital lives aren't ALL that bad, right?

I've been bashing the digital, the technological and the Internet for a few posts now but it has more than enough advantages that are enormous and that is why we sometimes overlook its bad sides. The most obvious of the advantages is, of course, convenience. Being that everything today is digital, technological and done through the Internet, we are more efficient, fewer errors are likely to be made, tasks are made easier, etc. Technology has made some fields exceedingly better than they were before. Medicine is one of them. The latter has become so advanced that a doctor can diagnose someone from afar. CT scans help doctors find everything from kidney stones to unfamiliar masses like cancer and so much more. Due to this advancement in technology, a doctor can do way more to help a patient. Eighty to 100 years ago, a person could die from a simple cold and now these benign maladies can be treated just with an over-the-counter drug. Our digital lives aren't that bad if we are able to have more life expectancy! Moreover the world is smaller than ever. It is incredible how it is possible for me to be sitting in my room in Hempstead, New York talking to my parents through Skype about how my best friend in Nimes, France showed me her new apartment the other day. It's amazing how people are so close while being so far away from each other at the same time: another miracle of technology. EBooks and eLibraries are not that bad either, they have amazing storage space and they can't be easily destroyed or burned (Alexandria) as long as you have secure backups of course. These are just the basic advantages; imagine if we went into more depth about other benefits.

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